Set up a foundation in Nevis
Nevis foundations are formed under the Multiform Foundation Ordinance.
At the time of registering the Multiform foundation one can elect how the foundation shall be treated from a legal perspective – as a company, as an LLC, as a trust, or as an ordinary foundation. The status of the Foundation can be changed during its lifetime. Generally, most foundations are established as ordinary foundations.
Ordinary Foundations are orphan vehicles – a hybrid between a Trust and a Company.
Like a trust, an ordinary foundation is generally established to reflect the wishes of the Founder (like the Settlor of a Trust) via an endowment of assets, which are managed by the council or management board (like a Trustee of a Trust) for a specific purpose and/or for the benefit of its beneficiaries.
Like a company, a foundation is a legal entity with legal personality (as opposed to a Trust which is a deed and legal arrangement between the settlor and the trustee, but it is not a legal entity, and it does not have legal personality). Unlike a company, foundations have no shareholders or owners.